Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Churches of Switzerland

Lavigny 6

by Mila D. Aguilar

The doors of the churches
Of Switzerland are closed
All day. No schedules tacked

On doors, as they are in
Shops in the villages.
Pastors come once a month,

Being in short supply.
The bells ring to tell time,
Signalling the start and

End of working day for
Farmers in the vineyards.
There are barely people

In the streets, even in
Junctions. So different
From my country, where the

Churches aren't big enough
For the teeming millions,
And so people gather

In the streets, geared to fight,
Tolling evil's end and
Telling the world about

The coming of the Light.

September 8, 2005
4:00-5:52 am

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